DISH Fiber provides Wi-Fi to hundreds of commercial properties across the US. As part of a brand refresh in 2022,
my team created a campaign designed to educate property owners on our collaborative approach to custom-built Wi-Fi solutions.


Quantitative Study

Before we began creative, we conducted a UserZoom survey with 104 Property Owner & Manager participants designed to understand their expectations of the ideal managed Wi-Fi partnership. Two recurring themes were the desire for collaboration and customization.


Awareness ᐧ Consideration ᐧ Purchase ᐧ Advocacy

We created an experience plan built to attract and retain customers over a series of touchpoints throughout the customer journey.



Show our audience that DISH Fiber is unique from other Managed Wi-Fi providers because of our approach.

Stand out with customization


There’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all.


Solve for today.
Plan for tomorrow.



Show our audience that DISH Fiber delivers a quality product and service from an experienced team 

Build credibility with collaboration 


Introducing The Signature Plan
We celebrated our collaborative accomplishments with property owners through the Signature Plan. This title was used by owners and managers to promote their communities while allowing DISH Fiber to use the label to turn sales into newsworthy partnerships.



Show our audience that DISH Fiber is a thought leader within the managed Wi-Fi landscape


Ensure trust with expertise 


DISH Fiber partnered with industry-leading brands and technologies to integrate products and services as part of our managed Wi-Fi solution.



Show our audience that DISH Fiber prioritizes customer service and delivers an enjoyable experience  

Drive loyalty through attention to detail


To celebrate one-year anniversaries with our partners, we sent property owners a one-of-a-kind gift: a custom watercolor painting of their property.


DISH Business

Art Director: Lauren Cutler, Designer/Illustrator: Savannah Brogan, Strategy: Lizzy Bakhaus, Account: Holli Gromelski